Transparent material with blend mode?

Hello there,

I was wondering if there’s a node tree or a tutorial for this, or, frankly, if it’s possible at all:

I want to create a transparent material that comes with a custom blend mode so it can basically act as, say, a coloured transparency like the ones you slide before real-life studio light or simulate an additive light effect or CMYK printing process – in short, act like layer blend modes in Photoshop or Affinity.

I remember toying with such effects in Blender before but that may well have been in the video editor. I’m looking for an actual material to do the trick.

I’ve attached a sketch to illustrate the desired effect with three planes hovering in 3D space with different blend modes.


Wouldn’t it be possible to make it a trick using Light Path? :thinking:

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Thanks! :smile: That looks promising. I’m going to look at it.

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