I have a pretty heavy landscape scene and want to add fog in specific places. Volumetric domain objects just don’t work that well for what I want to do so I would like to create a material with transparency so I can use simple planes and stack them and animate a noise texture.
I’ve done it before in cycles but the rendering time needed is just not feasible for this heavy scene.
Are there any workarounds as it seems transparent material isn’t working on Eevee yet. I’m on 2.83.2
In theorder material settings you have to set the Alpha-Blend type to something else (100% accurate but slow = alpha blend; accetable for fog would be alpha hashed) and set the shadow type to none as I don’t think you would want shadows from your fog. If you want shadows you also have to set a different blend type here.
Thanks Patrick, in principle this works, however it makes white transparent and leaves black visible.
That’s really odd, shouldn’t alpha transparency do the opposite.
Right now the fog doesn’t show up against a black or dark background, against white background it shows up, but as said inverted.
Adding invert to the node system doesn’t fix it either. Attaching two screenshots.
Brilliant thanks. The alpha blend/hash thing was already pointed out, thanks though.
I’m just rendering another scene so I’ll try once the render is through!
Following Dany Mac stylized eye tutorial, he teaches how to use transparency on eevee. The setup is simple:
On render properties: enable screen space reflections > refraction
On the material you want the transparency: settings > screen space reflections