Transparent Rim Light Effect

Hey guys,

I need to do a material configuration similar to this:

the biggest problem I’m having is that when I do an effect of xray giving mix with transparent, emission, etc, I’m losing the 3d silhouette of the object.

Other problem is i need the middle more transparent then corners, giving some rim effect and preserving the silhouette of the model.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks.

I’m currently working on a project with similar materials, I suppose you are using cycles?

If you use cycles it’s pretty simple, you mix a transparent shader with an emission shader. Finally plug a ‘layer weight’ into the factor, use either the fresnel or facing value based on your liking.

Then you can do some more tweaking with math nodes if necessary

Thanks Richard. The base of my materials are exactly this, im tweaking to see if i achieve a setup that i like.

This is my node setup so far:

The result is good, but i want improve more.

Here’s my simple nodes:

Thanks man, i will try this configuration and try to improve what i have so far.

I really appreciate :slight_smile:

tried it in post 3
and I had to remove the second emission on bottom to get this

happy cycles

Ricky, you took my tooth!

*image from “The Hangover” movie.
If you have not seen it, go watch it right now.

Keep it simple :wink:

That is the basic setup.

Thanks guys, im still testing to see what effect i will use. Your aproache is good too blenderallday, im testing if match what i want.

Hey guys, im back again with this post.
I already did the outisde material (the blue one), but im not achieving the orange…
I tried to use the same, but not work. The orange has some reflection inside (i think is glossy) while the blue is only a transparent effect with some rim light outside.

Can someone help?
Thanks :slight_smile: