Transparent Shader bugs in Cycles

Hello everyone,

I have created a nature artwork yesterday and i noticed a problem with transparent shaders. Although there is 100 percent tranparency there are still some strange shadows. And this makes a render very dark. Does anyone know how to solve this?

What’s your render settings? Light Paths settings specifically.


Are the leaf meshes intersecting? Maybe it’s bugging cycles…

Could be that you just need to increase Transparency both Max, Min to 10 or something. Light coming from sun can have more than 8 transparencies to cross: more than 8 and cycles paint it black right now.

Unless you use the transparent depth output on the lightpath node as a factor with which to mix with another shader (you would need to adjust it whenever you change the max depth if you use it to avoid the black color but the concept remains the same).

Thank you all:)
Unfortunately my Gpu crashes if i increase that value :smiley: and i have a lot of transparent layers…
what does the Transparent depth output do and how to use it? I read Blender Gurus Encopledia but i didnt get it