I have a simple plane with PNG image texture on it. My texture has transparent borders (it’s an apple on the center and everything around it is transparent).
And I want my plane to be like apple. So, I add MixShader with transparent shader and Alpha level of my texture as controller. And it looks great just what I need.
But now I want to add some solidify to my plane, and on render I see just two thin planes with no border. Is it possible to add border to my apple?
You cannot use the solidify modifier in this case; the solidify only gives edges to geometry, and since your apple is not a mesh object it has no geometry to base the edges off of.
Why not use the apple as a background image, trace, and then solidify?
Thank you for your answer! I just wanted to create this element as easy as I can But next probem is that I need to create some displace on the top of this “apple” and to do this displace modifier I need a LOTS OF VERTICLES inside of it And the object become too heavy and slow… But in case of square plane I can easily subdivide it and custom trace can’t be subdivided inside and then I have too many problems with it
Doing it at a mesh level would be the best way, since you can still control how much dense would be your mesh. The second possibility would be to do it in the shader… You can have a Volume scatter with your alpha multiplied by some big number connected to the Density, thought this will be slower to fine tune, and not so versatil in shading terms… So basically either you end with an heavy object, or an heavy render with limited control of the rim appearence.
Yes, thank you! It really looks like no easy way to add some fine displace. Why can’t I just add a node to Displace point in material settings and get REAL displace on my object? It always need lots of verticles inside and even a small and light weight object become so heavy…
If you model your apple by hand, then you can manage the complexity of your mesh… You can trace the image into SVG and build the mesh from there (as Lambrijr sugested), then add the detail needed for the displacement…
Yeah, I know is a bit of work, but it will take you much more time going other ways.
What kind of displacement are you thinking giving to the apple? can’t it be made of another object?