Transparent textures from .FBX

I am having issues with some textures importing into blender transparent. This however is only in Evee mode… in Cycles, it’s fine.

These were made from procedural textures… except the wood. The wood was made from images however they too are coming in a little off with transparencies.

I did read where you can change the blend from alpha to opaque, but that is a pain and for some reason they still do not look right. But again, they look fine in cycles render…

This is the original file exported to .fbx.

This is the that file imported into blender. (standard evee mode). Notice how it looks like it’s missing stuff.

This is that same import in cycles. Everything is fine.

This is that same .fbx imported into iclone. Again, all good.

I use bake wrangler to make my textures… here is my set up.

When I create the texture from the images… I use control+shift+t to add the textures. The result is this.

Here is another .fbx import that is fine. These textures were made from image textures and not procedural.

Is there a special way to bake procedural to avoid this? What am I doing wrong? Please help! :smiley:

I think i know what the problem is.

It’s to do with the alpha settings on eevee. I think, once youve imported the the fbx back into blender eevee, go through all the materials and set the blending mode to opaque or alpha clip.

Yes, that is what I mentioned above. I would like to not have to do that and have it import opaque and not alpha.

I am planning on selling content and need to refine my .fbx files so they are consistent across multiple platforms. :smiley:

Have you tried gltf rather than fbx?

No, what is that? NM… Looked it up. LOL.

Thanks… that solved my issues for export but not why this is happening.

This is an import in gltf. Perfect!

Thank you!!! :+1:

Now you can put them all on sketchfab.

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Not sure why there are all these little “solutiuon” boxes checked… Where exporting .gbl may be a fix… it does not answer the question of…

Why does this happen and how can I stop it? Aside from using another format to export.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Did you check your Normals?

I am not sure what you mean. Should these be set a certain way when baking?

From what I am deducing, the issue is that when creating texture images from procedure… the .fbx wants to import into the textures into blender with an alpha blend thus requiring that all the textures get changed. I am not sure what this does that. Maybe I need to change something in the baking process for this?

Having reversed normals can sometimes cause the image to be transparent …I would check them just to see ( overlays > Face orientation ) all Blue =all good.

There is something wrong when importing …as it clearly adds an image to the alpha channel when looking at the EeVee image and also the cycles and iClone images…
It is too small to read… but I see nothing in the file that would need an alpha image…so the question would be why is it showing or even connected in the node trees?

Can you share just a portion of this file, the bedspread would probably work… also I need to be able to read your settings in Bake Wrangler …

Well, with the normal’s I have a blue side and a red side. Or maybe that is face direction. I check these when making the cloth so that it drapes as it should.

I use the same bake setup for all my bakes. I am baking the following:
Ambient Occlusion
-(New)- (I recently added these two new textures to the list.)

As for the alpha, I am not sure why that is being connected. I do use the auto set-up. Control+Shift+T and then select all the images and let blender connect them. For some reason, this file will connect an albedo to the alpha channel as well as the color channel. I remove it and it does not change the image. I still need Cycles to see it.

The only thing different in my bake set up is that I changed the Metalic channel and added a channel map as suggested in the bake wrangler video.

I am not sure if this has anything to do with it or not.

Do I bake procedural textures differently? I have tried to search for that but cannot find anything.

@RyanKingArt has several tutorials on how to Bake Procedural textures …

and he explains things very well and is simple to follow along with…

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Thanks for the video. :smiley:

I think I may have found the issue. I noticed that when he did his bake, he was in cycles. I baked mine from Evee. Everything else was pretty much what I have been doing but with an add-on. I have quick baker… maybe I will try that one with this project instead of bake wrangler.

Fingers crossed. :+1:


Thanks for linking my tutorial! I hope it helps! :grinning:

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