I’ve been working on this hobby project - on and off - in the past years and will keep making new ones in the next decades for sure.
I have a DevBlog on my website for more background story if You are interested (some GIFs are too big to upload here): Transport Miniverse Website
The models were made in Blender, for the outlines I am using Blender’s Freestyle. I composite the render passes and fix little errors of the Freestyle pass in Photoshop.
I use a Print on Demand service to print the designs on T-Shirts and such.
Great designs, nice collection! Simple is the way to go with collectibles I think.
So cute! Reminds me of a small snub airplane that made sound and had a magnet underneath, you could get them in airports, wonder if they still are a thing.
Pre 2011.
I had a white one as well, but since the battery was short-lived, I tried opening it, and well, rest in pieces…
This one’s missing the engines that would light up for the same reason smh