A trapping plant for Blender Guru’s competition “Another Planet”. Any suggestions for improvement?
good: ground and detail of the plant, colors.
bad : sky is too simple, only the title makes clear what it is.
to do: maybe add leaves, a mouth or action shot of it trapping prey.
and hurry before Miley Cirus wants to climb on there and wreck your project!
Thanks for the feedback. I added a little color to the sky and think of adding auroras too. What do you think?
Try some external soft light sources. It looks like there is cool stuff happening there, but it’s not visible with only the light from the emitters in your scene.
The environment is interesting, but the plant’s trap doesn’t look good… It is perfectly spherical, doesn’t appear to be organic. It should have a different shape, with some irregularities, IMHO.
I think you’re trapping plant looks more architectural than organic.
At first i thought it was a bio dome with an oxygen tube attached to the top. I would follow @wanilson_m’s advice about adding irregularities to the shape of you’re mesh. And you should also consider changing you’re materials to look more organic. At the moment it looks like it’s made out of metal, glass, plastic and LED lights.
And a nice coloured aurora that matches the current colour scheme would look good, just make sure it doesn’t draw to much attention away from the focus point of you’re render. as you want you’re viewer focusing on the plant, not the skyline
The concept is good, but the execution needs work. You still have about a week until the competion closes so you still have time to improve good luck mate
Thanks to everyone for the replies!
So here’s a little update.
The tube part of the plant now has a material which I forgot to add last time:o
I added motion blur although it came out to strong I think…
And (I don’t know why yet) one particle system switched places so some things are in different places now, which I probably gonna revert.
Now there’s also an aurora which came out more cloudy than I wished but at least it lightens the scene a little.
Concerning the irregularities of the “dome” I’m working on hat. It’s just not yet visible.
Inside of plant I see really nice emission thing. What is it? Can you show how did you do that?
@Pawel4427 I’m not quite sure what you mean by the nice emission thing but inside the sphere I have another sphere with a volume material in which I put a point lamp. The red/turquoise thing is a cube with a few modifiers. I’ll post some screenshots later
hum - maybe my display or views is playing tricks, but to me the dome of the plant seems to be unnecessary blurry - I just tested my anaglyph-glasses to be sure it’s not an 3D-picture now… I think a blurry foreground and a little bit more glowing filter would help to give the very nice compositions more depth, but the main construct (the dome-center) should be sharp in display… something like that: