Tree with connected branches

amazing stuff dude!

Canā€™t wait to see the next version! Fantastic stuff. The Vertex groups for the leaves works great, the topology is great, the settings are very flexible and allow lots of different tree shapes. The main missing piece that the previous version didnā€™t have is mapping the UVs so they both flow with branches, and adjust to a standard seamless bark image. And if one doesnā€™t go crazy the vertex count is not too high at all.

Regarding the UVs, normally for the trunk you would want the UV to be vertical, and be exactly as wide as the image (so it wraps horizontally around the tree - or perhaps 2 times the width, so it repeats, but on the other side). And be exactly 2 or 3 times the height of the image (so its not too stretched vertically, and repeats 2 or 3 times). However once its gets to the first branch, I am not sure how you flow the UVs to the branches perfectly, and yet keep them vertical so they match the bark pattern. Perhaps restart each branch connection at the bottom, and end at the top (twice, overlapping, once for each new branch); and restart each branch at the bottom, and end at 2 or 3 times the height above the top (like the trunk). Perhaps the 2 or 3 (or maybe 4) could be a setting value, to be able to adjust the vertical stretching. Only the first few levels are important, after that they are probably covered with leaves anyways. It might be impossible to get it perfect, but close enough would be fine.

Starting with thanking you, and ended up asking for stuff! Sorry, canā€™t help it, this is just very cool! Thanks again!

This is brilliant! iā€™ve not made anything worth making a scene out of yet, but from my short tests with the add on i can see that this is a very versatile and functional tree add-on!

It seems that you are getting great advice from people who know what they are talking about much more than i do, so i have no advice! lolā€¦ All i can say is keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

I will upload a render when i actually get round to making a worthy scene! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve added roots generation !

Is possible to have some control over roots? Some options similar to trunk and branches?
It looks really advanced:) Nice job man!

Yes, it works the same way :slight_smile:

Have you updated the first link to download with this roots, please?

Not yet, I still need to fix the uvs on the roots today.
I wanted to add more features like auto particle system configuration, and few small things before releasing the new version, what do you think ?

Nothing I just wanted to know before to upload againā€¦ Thks. Good Luck!

Maxime - for me the most wanted feature is some easy setup for auto-particles with some presets. But i suppose that most advanced users are able to use Your script just now (without any new option). But not all blender users are advanced and pro :slight_smile:

That is not hard at all. You just have to weight paint branches with leaves and set PS with vertex density.
Here is preview of tree with skin modifier modeling.

brus - thx for link to tutorial:) But now i see that particle system is not able to create good geometry for leaves - there is a total chaos:( Real trees has some special leaves order for every tree species. Without leaves order trees looks like wild bushes :frowning: Particle system is not best solution:)
Tree editor need leaves direction plus gravity plus roatation around branches.

That is true, and there is no way to control particle orientation in python. Particle system is not the best solution, yet it is the most reasonable solution when dealing with hundreds of thousand leafs.

There are many option under hair PS for advanced dynamics, rotation, brownian motion, childern, clampā€¦ You have to play with these.
There is no magic tree button in Blender.

This is not very useful as it rotates particles a bit chaotically, for this kind of meshes the only way to orientate particles correctly is by using code. I just hope that this will be possible in the future. until then, it is -as you said- about tweaking until it looks good.

Hey Maxime, iā€™ve just discovered your work a few days ago, thatā€™s pretty impressive!
Iā€™m just curious, is it based on the Fibonnaci sequence?

No, the branches arrangements are totally random, I donā€™t use any l-systems or common patterns. Maybe I should though.

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Afaik, all vegetations are based on that constant?

we can find it in most species yes, but it doesnā€™t means it is based on it, and my guess is that if my model is correct enough, Fibonacci should appear in my trees without the need of implementing it.

From my (poor) studies and understanding, it seems Fibonnaci rules them, but with its glitches/randomness. What do you think people?