Hey all, I’m back…
I managed to port Tom’s original version to 2.80 today as a test before I try to port my modified version (when finished).
I only made minimal changes, so some of the flags enabled in my version are not enabled here.
But, I did add the interactive view-port usage, so you can make changes visually without having to redo over again.
Triangulate With Triangle for B2.80 :
mesh_triangle.zip (384.9 KB)
- Caveats to working with Triangulate (Triangle) for those who don’t know :
- A closed (cyclic) curve is needed, and in Object Mode
- You can work from Top View or Front View, but working from FV requires either starting from TV and rotating 90 degrees to FV without applying rotation (which will hang and possibly crash Blender) – Or start in FV with ‘Align to View’ enabled for new creations (which sets objects to 90 degrees Global [X axis] - Do Not Apply Rotation)
- You can triangulate several outlines at same time individually, or as one outer object with internal objects as one object with use of Object Join
- Bezier curves are needed, so if you add other curve types, you must convert to Bezier – if from poly curve and you want your edges sharp, switch handles to ‘Free’
- For 2.80 – If you have multiple Collections, you must select the collection folder that you want active before selecting object(s) to ensure new triangulation object is created there – otherwise it could be created in a previous collection you might have been using and might be hidden – if is the case, you won’t see any mesh being created in view-port (it is hidden in another collection)
Examples of it working in B2.80 :