Triangles on a quad mesh

I turned a tri mesh into a quad mesh but there are still a few of triangles on the mesh. Is that a big deal?

What I’m concerned is will it be okay to create textures and a fur groom on the mesh if there are a few triangles on it?

They do, but the results can be messy.

The biggest problem with tris is that they’re unpredictable, producing weird topology when subdivided, messing with your shading and deformations. That said, if you end up with a model where the tris aren’t causing you any issues, then they’re no concern.

Oh, right should have waited until later in the morning to respond, removed incorrect info. :slight_smile:

You’ll be able to texture them, I don’t know about fur stuff. As far as I know, triangles cause the most trouble for subdivision surfaces and like Renzatic said, shading & deformation.

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Some tri-mesh from games just can not quaded without retopolofy… so you have to look where you want what quaded… sometimes it help to start with “obvious” areas and expand them… some times there are intentional triangles because they do have abetter stretching while animating…

like maybe so: