Tris to Quads

Hi everyone!
What do you think is the best way to convert mesh from triangles to quads? I tried the Blender Tris to Quads command but it doesn’t work well with complex meshes.
I have my own quite detailed model, created with another program and exported.
Importing it into Blender I should now convert all triangles to quads. Without having to reshape it from the beginning.

Thanks for any help!

One possibility is Remesh modifier that works well enough with e.g. letters. You can make the remaining tris quads as in this thread . Still, show us the screenshot of this mesh for the reason of topology and complexity.

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Here are some images of the model imported into Blender:

I tried Remesh modifier but it doesn’t give acceptable results unfortunately.

Unfortunately, most CAD-software aren’t very good at exporting Quad-topology or even uniform triangles for that matter. The only way that I managed to get a Quad mesh into Blender from Solidworks was to save the part as a .SAT-file, then opening the SAT-file in MOI3D (Moment of inspiration) which is a light-weight CAD program. In MOI, you simply save the file as OBJ and customize the topology from there.

So the process is:

  1. Solidworks - Save as SAT
  2. Open SAT-file in MOI3D
  3. Save as OBJ with quad topology

I know it’s a late answer, but I hope it’s helpful still. :slight_smile:

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Hi Hild, i will use this technique in the future if I need it. Thank you!