Tropical holidays

A varied environment typically tropical, with lots of space to create your own scenes and with very plenty of details.
Though wide and rich of assets, the scene is very light and suitable for medium-large displays as well as for animations.

Notes: The scene include 2 simple terrains, modeled in World Creator 2 and texurized in Blender (Render Cycles).
The terrain-core was populated with 10 eco-systems (by ParticleSystems). All the assets are in bundle (9 palms, 2 shrubs, 3 rocks, 1 grass patches, 11 beach people, 3 beach umbrella, 1 beach chair).
If you want see more pictures and download the blend scene,
please, take a look on my stores…


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Not sure if this is artwork or a product promotion. In any case, you’ve posted it in the artwork category,s so I will give some artwork feedback.

Assets are quite nice but all the images need a bit of atmospheric depth, unless this is actually a lake at +3000m elevation :slight_smile:

thank you Dimitar, for your suggestion…
in truth, in my other projects I use a depth system (with a little haze), but when there are large expanses of water (like the sea) in between, this system greatly alters the color-reflection of the water. I’m still working on it.
Ciao, :slightly_smiling_face: