Just ran a quick test. Downloaded this gundam from the 3d warehouse: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=1c71617b336d49e7df8911934be85fa6&prevstart=0
Then I opened it in Sketchup (free), went to File-Export-3d model, and exported it as Google Earth KMZ (not google earth 4, this one won’t work).
Finally, Using the same exporter you linked above (JMS’), in blender, I go to File-Import-Google Earth 3 (kml-kmz), and:
So I guess there must be some step you’re missing. JMS’ script even imports the model with a wireframe version of it.
Does anyone know if those Google Sketch models, the ones in the 3D warehouse are free to use for anything? I checked out a couple of dozen pages and none of them mention any sort of copyright.
Yes, I think they are free for personal use and stuff non-commercial. But as you said they don’t give much information, I do know the ones that are free since they say it doesn’t have the “buy now” next to it…
Also, I managed to import it but it looks horrid. Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong?..
What I’d like to do is simply convert the skp file into a .ase file and then into a w…
I’m going to try and use this in my RV track I’m making. I’ll give the guy credit for it.
Well, if it looks horrid it’s because the model is originally horrid. Check the screenshot I posted, it’s a perfect 1:1 match with the sketchup model. I get the impression you’re trying to load the skp file directly in blender? Remember to export as kmz (from sketchup), not version 4, and it should load ok in blender.