Truck ready for *anything*

Yup, i decided to make something anti-zombie and ready for anything…still a work in progress…but yea just wondering what else i should put.

thanks for looking :smiley:


It’s looking good so far.

I think the windshield looks weird. It’s too flat with sharp edges. It should also have a bit more transparency I think. I would suggest making the smokestacks reflective, and putting an edgesplit modifier on the blade, because you can see the polygons on it.

Pretty cool. You could look to Road Warrior (Mel Gibson) for inspiration on this one.
Some thoughts.

  • Instead of windows a steal cage (heavy equipment).
  • re-enforced surfaces (extra metal everywhere). Need to make hard for them to climb on.
  • a way to retract the blades on your plow. After you get a few zombies on there you’ll need a way to get off the bus again hehe.
  • a row of lights above the cab (facing in many directions but mostly forward) as you will need to see them before they see you. You will also got the deer(zombie) in the headlight effect too.

Really great start though. Love the wheels and plow. Keep the updates coming.

Many things that you’ve said ive thought about…but have forgotten…so thatnks for reminding me lol…The windows are black right now because i haven’t made an interior yet, but i havent put huge fogllights on the top because i thought it might gt abit crammed up there…but ill try to find a way to make it work…the metal plates sound good thanks… and the plow was made purposly to have creases so it would look more “heavy duty” like if someone had weleded several pieces of metal together…but this still needs much work. (btw the spikes no blades)…but good idea for retracting…thanks for that also…i’ll continue after school tommorrow

thanks for looking :smiley:

ive done a little bit of work…ill post tommorrow sometime…yea

Heres an update…im ont too sure about the trailer…seems abit over exagerated…but wtv…i removed the windows and added fog lights and spots but both those need lots of work…like eveything else.



Working on the textures for now…im not really great at UV-ing, but i hope ill get better. this is a really early stage…(the iwndows are done though)

yes i know the textures are actually REALLY crappy…but im not done and i figured id update now…the grill and window are done.


Why is there no machinegun turret on the roof? Maybe a small barbed wire lining around the top so they have trouble getting onto the roof.

lol, i thought about that today…why there was no turret on the roof yet…XD…and good idea for the barbed wire…any suggestions on how to make the wire though?

I’ll update later on tonight or tomorrow

I made a barbed wire fence by making a short loop of barbed wire and adding an array modifier, then just make sure the ends match up.

I remember seeing a movie where there was a truck like this one. They has some rocket launchers that launched fireworks instead of rockets. The fireworks would get the zombies attention, and then the people could just get out and melee the zombies as they please.

So, add some tubes and stuff. People might not know what they’re for, but it will add some more elements to your creation.

yay for updates…havent made babred wire yet but i have made the guns and updated the texutres…
ill probably do more tonight and update more tonight.


Looking good. I’d hate to be a zombie if I come across this with food inside!

Wow that looks pretty impressive, you could add fog lights to the bonnet?

For the fog lights, ive already put them on the roof, maybe there too small or something…but i’ll look into moving them…ive started to make a scene for thr truck…and so i"ve decided to make it a metro station…ill find a way to make it look good though :stuck_out_tongue:


I love the work you put in this, but when comes to the spikes, I have to shake my head. The offset on detail on the spikes seems to steal the look from the image as a whole. Just my two-cents. Good work though!

This is pretty cool. I’m always a fan of zombie plows :slight_smile: I especially like the rims with the blades. My only crit I can see right now is the spikes on the plow upfront. They just appear to stick out of the plow, but in reality, they would be welded on or bolted on with some kind of locking device or brace. It would add better to the realism of your truck if you added bits of detail like that.

Good job.

yea bout the spikes…there just temporary…ive got lots of things to do…which im forgetting about lol, thanks for the reminder.

The project hasnt been forgotten about, ive just been doing other things, i have drawn up a new background scene rather then a metro, its going ot be more like a warehouse (the colony). ill post something sooner or later…

cool i can’t wait to see the finished product!