True VFX Winter Blenderland

Proud to have placed # 8 in this competition, got some great criticism to boot for future ventures…


I like it.

Though I wonder how the obviously abandoned car still has enough juice for its headlights to be on. And why they are on. :wink: I know, I know, people always have such inconvenient questions about purely artistic choices.

What competition was this for? And congrats!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Amazing thank you! Really appreciate your emails as well, I know that sort of thing can be thankless work at times. Thanks again and please keep it up!

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Thanks! It was for this competition:

The model is actually of a real thing that happened to me (and lots of others) years ago. That car is supposed to be a friend of mine’s, which he had to half-abandon on the spot when a tree fell on it while we were making our getaway. Keep in mind also this was back when car headlights were pretty crappy. Regardless I decided that little light beam added a needed bit of color.


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True VFX Winter? I cannot find that. I have their sky add-on… but cannot find anything snow or winter. :frowning:

Ha, there’s so often more to the story than one can deduce at first glance.

Well done – that was some stiff competition, too.

Hit that link above

I thought they came out with a new add-on… my bad. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Great work! Snow made with RealSnow addon? Or other way?

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Yep! and thanks!

Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article for this amazing artwork!

Do check out this article, written by the artist himself. It describes the process of making the artwork step by step and provides insight into environment-building in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation | LinkedIn