Trumpet at Midnight

Here is a piece of art I have been working on for a few days, and I’m entering in an art competition. I can’t use images in the model, so no textures. I have used COMPLETELY materials so far. Even the marble table uses a material. Also, I cannot include anything that I have not made myself, so no downloading assets for me. :smiley:
I would like to get some constructive criticism as soon as possible. The deadline for the competition is tommarrow(Friday) and I need to enter it in the competition by midnight on Friday. So I need to get critique as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Here is my render:
(Oh, by the way, it’s rendered with blender internal)

Thanks for any help you can give!
-Mokazon :eyebrowlift:

I would try bouncing some light from the direction of the camera, it seems a little dark.
Also the composition feels very confused. Maybe try picking either the Moon or the trumpet as the focus. it looks like you are trying to have both as the focus right now.
Good luck with the competition! The trumpet model and it’s materials look real nice, by the way.

too dark

Ok, thanks for the critique guys! I got rid of the whole scene, and changed it to a trumpet on a piano. It is for an art competition I’m entering. Blender Internal render, with GIMP post-pro.
Here’s my render
Thanks for you guys’ critique!

The bottom part of trumpet and cornet valves are removable. In your model, they appear to be a solid piece of the tubing (how would you clean it?). You forgot the spit valves too. The first curve, follow from the mouthpiece down, is the tuning section of the horn. Horns are rarely in tune with the tubing in the closed position that you have modeled. They are typically slid out a bit and the inner tubing part is another color, not shiny brass.

Overall, nice scale. the night lighting is not working for me, too much banding in the sky. You may want to consider using an angular map applied to the world.

(just some suggested refinement based on my experience as a trumpet player)

There is a little opening covered by a lever-type object called a spit valve at the end of that first curve, as well as a smaller spit valve on the other curved tube coming out of the third valve.

It’s a decent model and anyone that hasn’t played a trumpet before probably won’t notice, but if they have, they’ll notice that, the missing valve caps at the bottom as well as the little nub on the second valve slide.