// TRY AGAIN - Blender Short Film

Try Again is about carts tryin’ to escape the mart after being treated poorly.

watch the short film here:

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How big exactly IS that 7-11 (convenience store) ?!?! :rofl:

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Lol, that’s hilarious! :rofl: Great work.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Some kind of back room feelings… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…next time in any supermarket: Did this trolley just moved ??.. RUN !!!


Nice atmosphere.

Reminds me of an Edward Hopper

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The models, materials, lighting, and sets are certainly top-notch. The fast-paced animation is very convincing. And I like the camera work, such shots of the wheels-only beneath a row of shelves, and how the camera in-general follows the action. As others have said, I’m not sure how big that “7-11” actually is, but it certainly works. It definitely feels like “a movie.”

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