Trying to create a local hosted kitsu based pipeline

I have been trying to follow docs for the TD guide.

I have managed to get some of the stuff working like the local hosted kitsu using docker and synctrazor. But I’m kinda confused about how it all should connect with each other. I am also self-hosting this via VisualSVN server.

Right now I have a shared folder

Some addons don’t seem to work like the launch_blender_win.bat

  1. Here I have connected the folder path for “shared” as a folder in my LAN drive. Do we have to copy the LAN drive version of this project into our personal systems?
  2. Do we have to do the whole process of syntrayzor and kitsu install on all personal systems?
  3. How can I change the folder structure, so our team doesn’t have to learn a completely new folder structure?
  4. Where are the artists supposed to work and how can I make sure they are always using the most updated version of rigs/models/environments?

The blender studio video on youtube doesn’t seem to go into detail and the docs are a little difficult to follow.

I have many more questions that keep popping up along the way so is there a way so I can keep asking these questions to someone like a dm or something?
