Trying to create low poly landscape in cycles

Hi, I will try my best to explain my problems but I might be a bit vague at places so sorry about that.

I wanted to create low poly terrain like in this picture

I realise that it’s hand drawn, however, I really want to make a forest/mountain landscape in low poly that doesn’t look like this:

So, I wanted to ask about any good tutorials that could point me in the right direction, as so far, I haven’t gotten anywhere, the terrain is a nightmare, the trees are hard, and trying to find a god tutorial is driving me crazy. Thanks in advance!

I am not sure if I found what you are looking for (since it is very low poly):

So, actually you’re after a cel-shaded look? I’m not sure what the image you linked to has to do with being “low poly”.

Sorry for being a bit vauge about that, I mean low poly like this
