Trying to create mirror ball effect on typography

Hi there.

I’m try to create this look:

I need variation in rotation and height (normal direction) of the seperate faces.

I’ve tried several approaches:

  1. Remesh > Edge Split > Displace to create separate faces

  2. A material from BlenderKit

  3. Geometry nodes (I struggle with this)

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

Quick one with particles, you have to tweak the count to eliminate doubles.
But geometry nodes would be the best solution for this.

disco.blend (486.1 KB)

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You could bake these faces (that you’ve rotated randomly):

Then use a Normal Map node:


I liked this older tutorial by Chris P…

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Thank you so much for the response. I hadn’t even thought about using particles.

Amazing, thank you. This is exactly what I need.

Yeah this tutorial is excellent.

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DISCO BALL-ify? :rofl: That’s just amazing.

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