Trying to make a bed

No I am not even at the bed sheet stage, but I think I can manage if I can just make the structure of the bed holder.

I mean I can make a bed easily that looks like a bed.

However the trouble comes at the subdivision surface.

When the corners intersect in the bed, and then I apply subsurface division, it’s like this p much

yes the corner points are actually connected with alt + m

I mean I know I can square the corners off by just spamming edge loops.

What’s the best way to go about making a structure with square-ish edges with subdivision surface?
I just spam edge loops in the corners…

but my main problem is when I have to connect the intersecting vertices.

here is the best i am trying to make

I mean I can ignore the issue alltogether with the mirror modifier and a different crappier design

however if I try to make the beams that come down, I will have that same issue.

I would model the mattress/boxspring as a separate object. It seems like that would solve the problem.

Shift+E for Edge Crease to sharpen individual edges will help here too.

Take a closer look at the bed. Every part is essentially the same shape. Start with a cube. It is then stretched out and/or flattened. In other words everything is the shape of a plank of wood.

Start with a cube. Make the corner posts. Select a post (which is only 8 vertices) shift D to duplicate. scale/modify it to create the planks going along. (Do not join each plank together, it is not needed). Then fill in the other planks as appropriate. Each plank should not be connected to another, you can have planks going into another though (without vertices being joined). Its easy just working with cubes.

You do not need a sub surf for this model and flat shading for the frame will do. If you definately do not want sharpe edges then you could use smooth shading and insert edge loops to give each plank less sharpe look, or bevel the edges. But again don’t join them. This model is too easy to get unstuck on. I’m sure you can work this out. Its nothing like making characters, its just simple shapes put together. Try to break models down into simpler parts for this type of modelling

i think you have hidden faces within your mesh that are causing the distortion. look at the space inside your mesh, i bet there is a face, or faces spanning the inner region of your mesh that should not be there.

I wouldn’t use sub subsurf on a bed. Do you really anticipate getting the render camera close enough to notice that the bed has a lumpy profile?

Attached to this post is a bed that I use about a year ago. It renders out like this.

Even though my bed is a different design than yours this should help you understand the importance of keeping the different aspects of your bed separated into their own mesh objects.

bed.blend (956 KB)

Nice work on that bed.
The sheets are really well done.

But yeah I could just avoid doing subsurf.
I like the lighting in that scene, you could tell me that’s real ;o