Trying to make an oval shape on an object

Hello readers !

I lost a jewell I really care about so I just get into blender to try to model it as close as possible in order to give this to someone who could make it. In other words : I am a Blender noob !

As mentionned I am trying to make an oval shape on a part of an object. My theory knowledge is so short that I think the best way is to illustrate :

Here a little description of what I want with my poor modeling vocabulary : the shape I want to add is already drawn but it seems that the subsurf(on the global object, btw all is in a single object) is not applying the way I want to : the “extrude” is extending below and above the shape and the vertices are messing up and generate unwanted shapes because of subsurf.

I know about adding edges to “contain” the subsurf (as you can see on the object) but all I tried didn’t get rid off the unwanted shapes.

If someone could please give me a link to the theory I need to solve this problem or at least put in in pertinent words (so I can google it more efficiently).

Thanks for your attention !

NB : after writing this message I found a way to upload my blend file so there it is if you want to mess with :wink: [final]BeforeOvals.blend (471 KB)

Well you’ve got tri’s which is a bad start. Now are you trying to cut an oval shaped hole through the this object, or are you trying to add some type of shape extruding outwards, like a pimple? There is a difference in how you’ll need to proceed. And no need to keep lamenting on your inexperience, just try and describe what you want in your best terms. Even a poorly drawn sketch can be useful.

Doing what I did below is very easy. If you need to cut a hole through it will be a bit more involved. You could try a boolean modifier but that usually ends in disaster.

I didn’t quite get what the end result should look like but I checked your file and made some changes.

Here’s what was wrong (and how to fix):

  • Double geometry (select all, W -> remove doubles)
  • Too high level in subdivision surface modifier. Best to have max 3 in the viewport and use smooth shading, no subdivision visible while adjusting the mesh. For 3d printing though high subdivision level is needed because only real geometry counts.
    (subdivision surface subdivisions: 3 (or ctrl+3). Turn smooth shading on in object mode and if there are black spots, edit mode, select all, ctrl+n to recalculate normals)
  • Ngon face on top. Ngon is a face that has more than 4 vertices. Might be enough to inset it (I key when the face is selected) but could also cut it to quads, or remove and fill the hole with quads.
  • No supporting edge loops around sharp edges (ctrl+r to add a loop cut, lmb to confirm)

I made the oval shape by selecting few faces and insetting them, then scaling towards the middle. Moved few edge loops with edge slide (select, G key twice) to even out their spacing along the curved surface.

BeforeOvals_ja12.blend (437 KB)

Thank you guys for your fast answers and sorry for my late response.
Big thanks especially to you ja12, you got it d*mn close to what I want, and your edited .blend file was very instructive. Below the final result of what I wanted (very small differences)

“And no need to keep lamenting on your inexperience” : I just mentionned that I am a noob (this is my first modelisation), and I precised that I do not have the pertinent vocabulary … this is not really a lamentation. This is being polite to warn you, gentle readers, that I cannot accurately describe my problem. However thanks for your help ! :wink:


[final]Ovals_done_ja12.blend (456 KB)