Trying to render with a flat colors/cell shaded look

Is there a way to retain the flat look from the “Solid” viewport while rendering? I don’t have much experience with shader nodes or render settings and thought I’d ask here for help. Thanks in advance

top: Solid Viewport+Flat Lighting
bottom: Rendered

Hello and welcome!

2 ways I know of:
Directly linking the textures to output - takes time
Workbench renderer > lighting > flat

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  • Turn the roughness on the principled BSDF to 1 and it will fully diffuse the specular light (which you could also disable by setting it to 0)

  • use an emission shader with strength ‘1’, which doesn’t emit, but instead renders as shadeless

  • for actual ‘toon’ shading, convert a diffuse shader (even w/ texture nodes) to RGB and then put it through a color ramp into another diffuse shader


ok 1 and 2 both wrong

for 1
still shaded
for 2
still emits

solution with suggestion 2 is:

Well you’re wrong because the OP is using Eevee where it does what I said, not what you said though, the specific words which I said

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in eevee emission never emits, true. but principled BSDF still does shading.

Where did I say it wouldn’t be shaded?

I gave 3 different outcomes, each one is different, because I am not psychic.

Edit: also, emission -does- emit in Eevee, with “Bloom” enabled. Except, not at strength 1.

ok I’m going to stop posting at this point. this is getting out of hand way too fast.
bloom works with everything as long as you set a good threshold.
and with default settings bloom works even on emission s1

Please quit spreading misinformation.

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Sorry that I didn’t get back sooner! I’m very thankful for the help that I’m getting. I was able to get the result I needed by changing the renderer, but I’ve also learned new things from this thread by trying out all the solutions. Again, thank you both very much for your time!

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It took me some time to find where the Workbench renderer option was. Thank you!