Does anyone remember the movie called The Last Starfighter? It was a movie in 1984. I want to see if I can replicate the introduction where it shows the cast names in the star field. It looks like a warp that is done using reddish dots. Eh, it’s hard to describe. I want to do the star field/warp, not the names. I think it can be done using an Emitter and the Particle system, but since I’m still getting my feet wet with Blender, I’m at a bit of a loss on how to do it. Any advice?
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Might be best to have a link to a video or still image for reference.
I could not find a video or exact image of the star warp, but here is an image that is very similar to it.
Now, replace all the white lines with red dots, and instead of flowing out from the black center, they flow into it. That is what the star warp looked like in the movie.
Hello again all. After much trial and error, I was able to decently replicate the movie intro that I was talking about. I’ve attached the project so you can see the results. The zip file is an AVI movie of the animation. As a starting project in Blender, I did this to help me learn the software and experiment with its features.
If you have seen The Last Starfighter movie, you will recognize the part that I have done. The one part that I wasn’t able to get right is how to make the animation loop without the big gap that appears at the beginning. Even though I did a scene edit that started on frame 38, the final animation still has the part where nothing appears for about 2 seconds. Frame 38 is the frame where the “stars” fill the camera view.
Any thoughts on how to get this last thing accomplished?
last starfigher.blend (4.09 MB) (631 KB)
What do U mean mate? U wanna have the camera filled with stars on the frame 1? If this is the “thing” than here U go…
Cheers, Jan
Hi Jan. I tried your idea, but it gave me a “slow-down” effect in the middle of the animation. I still got the big gap of nothing at the beginning too. Should have used 35 instead of -35?
No, this way U could start the anim before the 1st frame and it fills the camera with stars. Slow-down FX sounds strange to me cause when I use Yo .blend file and set -35 everything works for me with NO slow-downs (checked with 2.77 and 2.79a WITHOUT problems).
Cheers, Jan
I attached the video that shows what I get with the -35. You can see how it acts for me.