Tunnel around corner

Hi guys!
I’m modelling this Revolver hand, And i want this tunnel part to keep its roundness, But when i extrude it goes flat, Is there any way i can still keep the roundness after i extrude this part?

Can you clarify what you mean about the “roundedness”? I thought you’d want a hard edge like the reference.


As you can see here, This “tunnel part” (I have no idea what it’s actual name is), is rounded on the inside, like a half-pipe, and i want this rounded shape to stay, but when i extrude it goes flat.

Do the extrusion first, then bevel the edge to make the indentation.

I did that, Then i tried to make it round on the inside by using proportional editing, When i scale inward the edges move different ways, I tried scaling by normals too, but that didn’t work either.

Use Alt S to scale the faces in. Once you’ve made the indent, bevel the edges inside the indent, and that should give you the curved sides you want.

You shouldn’t worry about detailing until your basic forms are done though… model the basic shape of the grip first and then worry about the details, rather than adding them as you go.

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First of all, Thank for enduring my noobness.
I tried the Alt+S method, But the faces keep going downward

I tried that Alt S but couldn’t get it to work. I’ve always had to scale on the x and y (sometimes change one of them slightly to match up to be even) and keep z at 1.0 scale. I did scale with “normal” selected instead of “global”. From here, I would do what AncientOne said and bevel the edges.

Cool paintball gun, by the way! :slight_smile:

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Hey, there’s a cool polymer gun grip texture from textures.com (never used them).

Just saw it when I was searching Google for that grip.

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Dude thank you so much, You’re awesome!
Unfortunately, when i scale by normal it gives the same result in the image i sent to AncientOne, And these faces go the wrong way

Yeah, unfortunately, this is where you might have to tweak the one scale and maybe move it over so it visually looks even… That’s what I have to do anyway.

Edit. Try mirroring it and then applying so you have actual geometry to scale. Maybe that’s the issue.

FYI. Was messing with some of the textures noises in Blender!

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Thx for all the help man!
I’ll get back to it right now, And yeah i tried going for the nodes but it’s really heavy on performance compared to the image texture.

Sorry didn’t get that quite right. Here’s the texture for the other part. Hey, glad I could help. Just pass it on when you can help others! Cheers.

FYI. I agree with the AncientOne…take time to block this thing out, then tackle some of the details. You probably won’t get frustrated ( I know exactly what that’s like!).

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