Tutankhamun Project

I posted Tutankhamun’s mask in the finished projects, but have since made changes to it and also started on other related models. I’ve decided to continue the project as a WIP. Here is my latest render. More of this project to come. My end goal is to recreate a photo of Howard Carter kneeling beside Tutankhamun’s coffin. Please make suggestions for any improvements you think will help.

Latest Image:

how did u do the background with photos or pictures ?

coming along nicely

is it in cycles ?

will follow this

happy cl

Did some more work on this guy. I adjusted the UVs and added the inscription on the front.
The scene is in cycles, all the details were modeled and then used to bake normal maps. The back wall comes from pictures of the paintings inside Tutankhamun’s tomb. I found some high quality ones and stitched them together.
The wooden floor is procedurally generated.

Still have the inscriptions on the sides and base to do. Let me know what needs improvement. Thanks!

wondering if floor was with wood or stones ?

need something to show size ?
may be a human shape average height in the scene !

now would the floor look so new compared to the walls ?

happy cl

Here are a couple more renders. The background is just temporary to have something back there to display the models. I was going for a museum type setting where there walls are reproductions of the paintings from the tomb and the floors are well maintained.

how did you do the sarcophagus ?
lot of knife projection or retopo ?

it looks very nice and smooth
and also how did you add/apply the stones pattern ?

I did a rectangular one last year
much easier to do LOL

happy cl

A couple of renders just fiddling with things and displaying both the mask and coffin models. A little about how this was accomplished: I sculpted the mask a while ago and finally got around to re-topologizing a couple months ago. It is relatively low poly base mesh, but has a level 3 subsurf modifier. I copied the front part of the mask and scaled it up as a start to the coffin. The coffin is similarly low poly with a level 3 subsurf. For all the details like the stripes and colored details on the coffin I modeled separate meshes and baked the normal and diffuse color maps to a plane to make the textures. Both models have 2 different UV maps, one for the masks that separate the different materials and one where the UVs are scaled up so smaller details can repeat across the surface. I followed the tutorials from Blender Guru for the metallic and dialectic node groups… That was a mouthful, but you asked.

Looking very nice! Just some suggestions for final render: I think the floor has a bit too much displacement (and maybe a tad too glossy), and the render is a bit noisy. Great work on the sarcophagus.

Another Render. Nothing new visible in this one, just what I thought was an interesting angle. I’ve been working on the inscription/relief on the base of the coffin, because I want as much detail as possible. I don’t plan on using the wooden stand or the floor in the final render, but if you have comments about the sarcophagus or the mask those are welcome.

It looks perfect, almost brand new. Are you planning on making it look thousands of years old?
Have you ever seen one up close in a museum?

Afaik the gold (mask for example) shouldnt look this uniform, even when its brand new.

This is really nice work! I guess it depends on what look you are going for, if it is supposed to look old or new…if old, it needs some “wear” and the gold areas would not be so shiny. Also, the eyes are bit too wide, as if in surprise compared to the actual. But this is just mho, this is really a great job. I think your attention to the detail on the inscriptions is amazing.

I agree with all your comments about it looking too new/perfect. I need to work on that for sure. The face does need some work doesn’t it. Thanks for all your input!

An update of what I’ve been working on:

Been working on this today. This will be it for the day though. Feedback is welcome!

Done with the inscription on the base. Got to work on minor tweaks to materials and the face to make it look more realistic. I also need to start on the inner coffin, so a long way to go still on this project.

did u use an image for the foot or mesh ?

looking good

happy cl

I modeled it, baked the normals to a plane and then used that as a texture.
I basically used the same process for all the details on the model.

did u need to bake it ?

I mean unless you need a lot more verts elsewhere
real mesh always give better render

happy cl