Tutorial help

im looking for help with a bit if a tutorial im following but a bit doesnt seem to work for me or im doing something wrong , im following this old tutorial https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WbIixnvw5xY and i get to 1 min 53 and i cant figure out how they scalled it individual rather than all at once ,it may be a very simple question but atm im just having a bit of a mindblank

There is an option on the bottom of the viewport window that let’s you select the pivot point, which you can set to Individual instead of Median Center, or whatever it’s currently set to.

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I think you are looking to extrude the faces individually first. You can press alt + E to get an extrude menu that has that option. After that you can follow Kevin’s instructions and make it scale each face towards their individual origins.