Tutorial Information and Guidelines

It would be better for your to post a new topic under the Support>Modeling section with a suitable topic name to draw people’s attention.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to, but there is an addon that does some of what you might be looking for. It’s a paid addon on Blendermarket, but it doesn’t seem expensive.

Oh, and welcome to BlenderArtists :slight_smile: It will make sense sooner rather than later. The search functionality is fairly good and there are plenty of people willing to help answer questions or compare different ways of achieving something in Blender… especially if you can show them an example of what you are trying to make.

Thank you very much . I’ll persevere

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Continuing the discussion from Tutorial Information and Guidelines:

I have set up my first tutorial on Animating a Bouncing ball in Blender 2.82a Using Grease Pencil and Interpolation tools. here - Animating a Bouncing Ball in Blender 2.82 with Grease pencil
I would love for any feedback/ understanding on what is the best way to help more beginners with this tutorial.

Thanks and Regards,

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