Hello everyone. I’m just posting to let you know that, thanks to Jean Montambeault, I got off my duff and cleaned up that tutorial section as well as added a whole lot I forgot about that he had sent me. Sorry, Jean, for flaking out .
The tutorials are a bit easier to read/find but still not organized. Sorry for how ugly it was, hee hee hee (I’m lazy) Anyway, here they are:
Just wanted to let you know that I updated the
Lip Sync tutorial (to take into account the armature
system and added a little bit of background about
RVK’s) and hosted it on the blenderchar site:
Cool! Nice to see all these tuts that I could never get to. Only bummer is some are missing all the pictures, but nice resource all the same.
Ooops, please email me and let me know which ones are missing pics. I was having trouble with uploading them, and the file might have been created but crashed while uploading it’s contents. Then I wouldn’t have realized it. I fixed one like this, but if there are others, please let me know. I’ll go look too. Sorry about that
Just wanted to let you know that I updated the
Lip Sync tutorial (to take into account the armature
system and added a little bit of background about
RVK’s) and hosted it on the blenderchar site:
Awsome, I’ll link to it there then 8)
Ugh, head hurts today so I may not get this done right away, was just looking at mail n stuff, but will do it soon!
Btw, I still have all my CJ tutorials, maybe someone could do a place for them somewhere. The problem is, they would require a good format repolishing, and I don’t really have time do to it :-?
Anyway, if anyone is interested, just contact me.
PS: I know Kib said that one day we could probably put them on Elysiun, but I don’t think he has time to reformat them either.
Hey, I’ll take a stab at it, but it may take me a week or more (depending on how many, etc…) because I gots dem kids an a job, ugh. But I likes ta help when I can since I love Blender
I have 15 or so, but a lot of them need small corrections, so I should send them to you in bunch of two or three, depending on how fast I can correct them.
Fearing the demise of the blender website,
I saved a copy of the character animation docs.
If you want to host them on your site, I
have put them here: