Two beginner's works

Hi all,

I’m new with Blender and this is my first post here. I want to show you two my last renders created while practicing. I would appreciate your opinion.
Thank you for your attention.


For a beginner with Blender, these look great. From the quality, I’m gonna guess you have some experience / skill with some other 3d program. If not then all I can say is “wow”. Keep up the great work.

I normally nick pic on everything posted, but you know what? Great job. Keep it up. Just make sure everything you post is as good as these. Your headed in the right direction.

Thank you! I didn’t have any experience with 3D programs before. I started to learn Blender about 4 month ago creating primitive model for my Unity projects. I liked it very much and decided to devote all my time to 3D art and Blender.

Thank you! I had no any experience with 3D programs before. I started to learn Blender about 4 month ago creating simple models for Unity projects. I liked it and decided to devote all my time to 3D art and Blender. )