Is there a tool to align object?
How can we move the orange pivot point?
Is there a tool to align object?
Snapping (magnet icon on 3d view header)
Align Tools addon
How can we move the orange pivot point?
The orange dot is the object origin. It may or not be used as a pivot point depending on whether you want to or not. Shift+S to position 3d curser and Origin button in toolshelf for various options to set the origin.
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I found the origin button! great!
I don’t find the add on menu for the align tool?
sorry for missing the right forum again, I’ll be more careful
You can align objects with pivot options and scaling. Enabling “manipulate origins only” (hotkey alt+comma) and scaling to 0 along an axis aligns the objects.
The alt comma hotkey will be usefull but I don"t get your align method. Anyway, I see that there is an Align Tool very close to 3dsmax one in the adds on menu, but I did not find that menu in the interface.
Scaling objects would deform them. Scaling moves the objects if only manipulating center points, so you can align objects using pivot and scaling (and orientation you you don’t want to align along global axes).
Here, using active element pivot (alt+period) and manipulate center points (alt+comma) and scaling to 0 along global Z axis.
Addons are in user preferences (ctrl+alt+U).
Oh I think I understand now your method. Not so easy for me to master it though.
I found the adds on menu, but apparently I don’t have a tool named “align”
I’ll see that later. Thanks for your explanation.
Apparently adds on are scripts? I saw I could download a code file with a .py extension.
interresting, as I’ve been coding a little I could start to write scripts some day?