I have a plane and want both sides with the same texture, where is the two sided button? Hopefully they still have it. I looked and looked but nowhere to be found. I am using 2.78a
I have a plane and want both sides with the same texture, where is the two sided button? Hopefully they still have it. I looked and looked but nowhere to be found. I am using 2.78a
backface culling? that is off by default… just put the texture on it and it will apply on both sides.
What renderer ?
If you don’t want the texture reversed on the reverse face then use the Geometry node backfacing (cycles render) or Front/Back (blender render) output with a mix node to have one material on front and one on the backface (you can also set the to be the same)
BGE acutally so I think that is Blender render, Backface culling is not what i was looking for, I am already on backface culling. If you are correct then it will slow down performance. In 2.49b, what I was using they had a two sided button to render for a particular mesh. I can’t believe they don’t have that for this new version.
Mesh properties panel, right beside auto smooth angle.
I selected my object, then edit mode, are you referring to the panel in the 3d view when you press the “N” key?. I can’t find it. Is it an add on?
He’s talking about this menu. It’s the tab between modifiers and materials. It looks like a tri with verts.
Yeah, that but one side is still transparent. I don’t know what is going on with it. I was having trouble with that file, like the armature I made and saved, when I opened up that file again the armature was gone but it was still showed in the outliner. The buttons where you select wireframe, solid, texture, etc were acting odd in solid, I could see the texture but in texture model was solid only. I could not close any windows but if on another blend file i could close windows. I think there are some bugs, so I opened up blender and appended my model and it worked.
I need a stable version does anyone know if is 2.76 stable, I have an AMD Radeon HD 7450 card.
Backface Culling will override the object’s double sided setting. Make sure it’s turned off in the BGE material settings, under Game Settings.
Aside from that, I can’t say. 2.78 has been stable for my purposes, but that’s just modeling/texture work. Sometimes files get into a bad state, which sucks, but appending usually fixes it. If you do happen to find a bug which you can reproduce, please submit to the bug tracker.
Also, if you give us a version of your broken file, we could poke at it and see what’s going on.