My goal here is to make multiple render of the same scene with multiple cameras and renderlayers configurations.
I can’t modify the active camera property, i have to store wich camera is applied on each renderlayer config (called MultiLayer).
I made a custom collection wich store the different configurations, showed with a template_list.
Then, when a property in a MultiLayer config is changed, I use the update parameter of the prop to update the Blender renderlayer’s structures.
I suppose to store the camera in my collection, I have to use a PointerProperty.
But I would like to have a box to select wich camera is applied on each MultiLayer.
This all architexture is for separate renderings for a video mapping show.
By searching in blender python sources, I can see it can be done with just using “layout.prop”, or “layout.prop_search”.
But I don’t know how to create a property wich can store only camera objects.