Tyrant 's sketches[Update 13-01-22] -Nudity Warning

Hi tyrant monkey, I really love that goldfish. Did you use Gimp for that also? The superhero turned out really good too. It has a nice painted look to it. His googles are cool too.-00-

@gally thanks for the kind words that gold fish was done in ‘gimp - painter’. It has a nicer painter brush than regular gimp.

that superhero is been modeled in Blender at the moment I want to use him as my character to learn how to animate. I was reading through introducing character animation but Captain Blender wasn’t my thing. - maybe I will post some a wip shot of him in here.

I gotta stop been so damn lazy, my aim this year was to crank out at least 2 drawings every three days but I am so far off that target. let me try and get things back on target. I have decided to simplify things further and just focus on doing studies from one book at a time which is Bridgeman’s constructive anatomy, I am aiming to go through at least five or four art books by the end of the year.

here are two more drawings Bad drawing 10 and 11- that means only 489 to go


I came here to look at bad drawings, and in that regard, I was let down. BADLY let down.

:smiley: Damn, some amazing sketches, makes me want to better myself :stuck_out_tongue:

@4daniel thanks man, but these kinda suck ass, I was inspired to do this 500 bad drawing thing by a thread I ran into at conceptart.org there is a young artist of about 16 years called Miles Johnston(imagine fx issue 51 artist of the month) with about the most inspirational sketchbook I have ever come across. I urge all who read this to search for that sketchbook and go through it from page one to the last one; than you will see what constant hard work can do. I aim to get better but I have been constantly practising this half arsed thing I do doesn’t cut it. Blending life has derailed my drawing schedule a bit. But after that is done 3d will take a very long break and 2d will become my focus this year. Hopefully by the end of the year you will see some major difference in my work.

Okay so, you put a lot of hard work into to these but still they suck ass, actually they don’t suck ass, they are very well presented, you’ve used tools that make us think did, he just use a pencil -that’s skill, making us think you used a pencil. when you have used software for these and photo editing programs?

Bad drawing #3, 497 -I really like this it reminds me of the Orange Box games from Valve, It really is great, so stop saying there bad, when everyone see’s how hard you’ve put the effort into them and come on you’ve had fun doing them else you wouldn’t have continued, adding to that why don’t you continue your w.i.p-?

I hate car’s but yours looks very well presented this is something that you do well, don’t give up, yes I know you won’t.

Great sketching! I especially like the goldfish.

thanks folks, though I will still call them bad drawings until the 500 one comes up my aim is to draw at least 150 this year so this is going to be on long ass journey I think time will vindicate me because when drawing number 500 comes out drawing number 1 should by truly look like shit.

not really one in the series of ‘bad drawings’ more like a loosening up lesson I haven’t touched GIMP in over a month, Blending Life sucked up too much time so its time the scales where balanced a bit in favour of the 2d work.

I put on some tunes I drew one sketch to each song when the song changed I draw something else. all in gimp


Of course no quoting because some one is so far up there assholio!

very nice sketches and studies ! keep em comin’

Thanks for the comments;
some Bridgeman studies, that would be bad drawing number 12 and 13. Yea for me that would mine only 487 to go.


Looking good. Nice lines. Draw more often though!

@ben thanks, I try to draw but time is a cruel mistress who brings to ruin my well intentioned plans

I picked up a digital painting book and boy is it turning out to be a fun good book.
Here is a tutorial that I did on painting an eye, my next tutorial is on a digital portrait so stay tuned.

This would count as my bad drawing number 14 though in terms of digital painting This is the first time I put my stylus down and come away smiling its not perfect but I am heading in the direction I want to be.


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I like the nice soft colours - it seems really well balanced out. A nice image to have in your port-folio to browse through on a rainy day!

Hey TM, try to up the contrast a bit in the eye piece, this will create more depth and form to it- also realize there is usually a bit of eyeball/muscle shape under the opening (think bags under the eyes, but not so much), so more form there would also be more convincing.

Thanks jay I actually forget to check the values to see if I had enough contrast. I will keep that in mind if I revisit this

Thanks for the tip on the eyeball/ bags under the eye I feel sheepish for not spotting that one:o I will put that one on the study list.

after months of not painting anything here goes, I am try to learn how to paint hair. My first try ever and its kinda of bad but I guess that’s the whole point of this exercise 500 bad paintings.

this is now bad drawing number 15 485 to go. I thinks I gots to up my pace or else this will take me 20 years or so. this is done in gimp-painter


It’s working TM. This is better than my attempts at painting hair, nice job.

Me and a few over people are working on a game and we are looking for some 2d artists to help with the menu. Your artwork looks great so if you want to help you can look here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=198826&page=13

thanks for the comment guys.

@Radioactive123 Sorry dude my knowledge of gimp is too geared towards digital painting, I don’t think I know enough to design menus and the likes. I am too much of a novice with 2d stuff on the digital side of life at the moment.