hi folks,
made with photoshop no blender … if u have some low detail people i will create this pic in blender again
@all max users BLENDER will nerver DIE !!!
habby blend g
hi folks,
made with photoshop no blender … if u have some low detail people i will create this pic in blender again
@all max users BLENDER will nerver DIE !!!
habby blend g
Blender users will never learn how to spell or make good graphics either!
spelling… no, but maybe someday some will learn how to make good graphics. just remember macke, we all have to start somewhere…
it would look better if it was blended…
“i dream in mesh”
wow macke, way ta insult the entire community… im sure ton feels great that u said that people will never make anything good with his product
your a saint
y do u even come here anyways?
btw, cool pic =) i hate max… grrr, on another note, eye know howe toos speel macke
The Problem ist, that most FIRMS don t use Blender. So, you have to see on the other hand pictures like that above… and on the other hand movies like Ice AGe, Monsters AG and so on…
The Problem ist just that on 3dmax are more special workers… But there are some good Blender Users as well.
The picture… nice
I don’t know… Max isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Granted, I think Blender does beat it in several regards… I miss the ability to “scatter” and I miss the ability to knife.
Other than that, I am loving blender… I’ve been more productive since the begining with Blender… just wish texturing was a bit easier… tho I am getting used to the quirkiness now, I think :).
Wow Macke! this is low, even for you.
Did it even cross your mind that this guy is from Germany? you know, there ARE people that don’t know english.
ah fuck this, you’ll probably laugh this off like you always do, never serious, always an asshole.
To Pyrael:
cool picture, much better then anythin I eer made in PS. but the inside of the logo looks a bit choppy.
There is good stuff made in blender Macke. More than once you seem to get the community very upset at you. Why do you do this? What purpose do you get from trolling?
I find it quite intruiging. Twisted morals in a sense.
Hey Mr. Macke,
my knowledge of english language is not so good as my experiences with blender, so if I spell some words uncorrect sorry for that. But hey Macke try
to write or speak some words in german and we will see hehe ;-)) …
@Pyrael: Nice Picture in 2D, but try it in 3D if you need some tips send an
e-mail to me, maybe i can help you…
bye, Olaf.
einige Wörter
Correct? ;o)
wow macke kann ja deutsch schreiben wahnsinn also dafür bekommst du ne auszeichnung
Ya I am sure max is frightened by the power of blender, haha good one! That will be the day pigs fly and a 100% blender pic gets five stars at cg talk… That post cracked me up macke!
i just started to make this pic with blender G
Schock : Good Blender pics only look dumb when interpreted by a dumbass!
I suppose you think it looks quite dumb then.
You’d be surprised as to how many others do.
You’re a lonely man, aren’t you?
If I would want to look cool, I’d do it somewhere else than a discussion board populated by shortsighted zealots!
Write a book then, you’re quite prominent in the crap area I must say.
I don’t see what there is to argue about. Nor do I see any arguments in your post.
Yes, people. You ever seen one?
Good for you!
I suppose you also think that you and the other zealots mean anything for the future of blender.
www.dictionary.com, read it for a while.
Heh, how typical, having troubles understanding my words?
Please re-read my post, think about it for a while, then insult me more properly.
Ditto, let’s create a clubhouse, shall we?
'Zealot (n.)
One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, one who is overzealous, or carried away by his zeal; one absorbed in devotion to anything; an enthusiast; a fanatical partisan.’
dictionary.com seems to be down right now, try allwords.com
'I suppose you also think that you and the other zealots mean anything for the future of blender. ’
Well, as long as NaN doesn’t come back, we are the future of Blender.
What are you gonna do to update it, patch it with hex editors? You can’t chew a gum forever.