UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite)


I know this thread won’t generate much interest, but it’s of interest to me since this satellite was one of the first research satellites my wife worked on while she was at Lockheed Martin. We were going through some old boxes and came across her copy of STS-48’s Cargo System Manual for the UARS launch. I thought I would give it a try in Blender to see how it came out.

UARS was launched 9/12/1991 and studied chemical components of the atmosphere (including data on ozone depletion). It was decommissioned in 2005 and re-entered 9/24/2011.


Very nice job!

This is nice. And not so uninteresting.

Thanks for the comments.

Out of curiosity, is the thumbnail for this thread showing up as inverted colors on anybody else’s monitor? If so, does anybody know why that would be happening?


Yes, it is for me as well. No clue why.

Lovely model.