ubuntu studio wallpaper

This is a desktop background I made for the newly released ubuntu studio. C&C’s welcome.


Yalp, Id say that did the trick, pardner, although it’s not quite what I had envisioned when you mentioned “blur”.

It’s actually a technique I use B4 applying a blur in post to give reflections a more “diffuse” effect.

I’m also a big fan of these back-lit halo lamps. I do not know why.


Things you might want to try (in order of complexity):

  • add a spherical background to the whole composition. Probably a sunset sky. This will add interesting reflections and enhance the overall complexity of the image.
  • try to make the materials more complex. Perhaps by adding some mapping in the specularity channels or even creating a complex node-material to create a slightly more diffuse reflectiveness on the text. This usually looks much better than pure specular reflection.
  • Use Yafray or Indigo for rendering and create a photorealistic rendering. It might look awesome but it will take forever to render and you’ll probably have to completely rework all materials and your lighting.

I do like the concept, though, it just needs more attention to detail.

I can show you a good idea. It’s the banner from my site (not ubuntu related, but you should get the point)…

What I’m pointing out is the reflected icons. They are reflected from a plane.
The lighting is provided by a single spot light. The blendimation logos are on planes. I used UV mapping to get that accomplished…


Nice concept. I wouldn’t add a background - it would ruin the clean style your goin for. i would just extend the water further into the background so that it recedes behind the text, the two don’t connect very well atm.