JK, I think they look really nice. I think that the lighting could use just a bit of work - perhaps add a dim hemi or two that affect the diffuse only, just to fill in the shadows some.
Very nice. I like the first 3 more because of the high contrast and sharp shadows and lighting. You might submit them to the Ubuntu studios distro managers, they might include it as a wallpaper in the next release.
They are all 1280 x 1024, but BA limits to 1024 x 1024 for images. I had issues as well with the resolution of Ubuntu not recognizing my 1280x1024 monitor. To fix this, open a terminal and execute this:
sudo dpgk-reconfigure -phigh xorg-xserver
Then put a mark next to all the resolutions that you’d like to have in Ubuntu and progress through the wizard. I cannot remember if you need to reboot, but you will then have the ability to pick the correct resolution. I also ran the Envy script and my OpenGL performance is top notch (using proprietary drivers of course.) It worked better than the restricted driver settings in Ubuntu.