UFO beams shader

Procedural shader nodes volumetric tests on simple cone objects in Blender.

the blendfile if you want it.
UFO beams.blend (4.2 MB)

credit to SirFloof on gumroad for the free Procedural Flame nodes Material v1, I used that to get a basic starting point.


Pretty nice , thanks for sharing the file :grinning:

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No problem :smiley: I think I need to use the HSV setting on the colour ramp node more, you can accidentally get trippy chromatic aberration looks by messing around its kind of cool.

Thanks , for the tip :grinning:

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Thank you for the file! I’ve been working in Eevee lately because it’s easier on my ancient PC, the third beam actually still appears similar in Eevee. It would be wonderful if the others could be altered or new ones made compatible with it if you ever decide to create more. Looking at your nodes, I can comprehend about half of it, it’s the math stuff that goes over my head. Great job!