I know that this is a controversial subject, but things are happening. The US military has destigmatized the subject a lot which I think is a good thing. This is an overview of what I have found on the subject.
What we know is that for about the last 10 years or so, the military has reported hundreds (maybe thousands by now) of UAP (UFO) sightings. Of which about 20 to 30 percent don’t have a good explanation for what they are. The majority of these sightings are of a metallic spherical object that is either stationary or moving (up to Mach 2). One such sighting was caught on video by a military drone in Iraq (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bt6_Potk5Q). This was released by the US government All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), among several other videos, for congress and the public.
Then David Grusch came out publicly as a whistleblower and said that he had interviewed many people in the government and the private sector who had been personally involved with actual craft of supposedly extraterrestrial origin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Grusch_UFO_whistleblower_claims). The difference with Grusch as opposed to all of the other whistleblowers is that he came out in the correct way. IE: he took his claims to the right people, who have the right security clearences, and with in the government organizations like the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG). Which said that Grusch’s whistleblower status and claims were “Credible” and “Urgent”.
Now with all of this we can not say, for certain, that any of this is extraterrestrial. The videos are not high quality enough and Grusch’s claims can not be proven publicly because that information is still classified. Although several congress critters do say that they have seen the evidence and that it matches what other whistleblowers have been saying and reporting to them. Last I read there were more than 6 other whistleblowers who have come forward and gave testimony to congress.
Now congress has attached the following to the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) for fiscal 2024…
But in the latest version of the IAA introduced in the Senate last week, lawmakers incorporated a mandate for any person currently or formerly under contract with the federal government that “has in their possession material or information provided by or derived from the” government relating to UAP — “that formerly or currently is protected by any form of special access or restricted access” — to notify Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s new All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), within 60 days of the bill’s enactment.
No later than 180 days after the IAA’s passage, the officials would also need to make “all such material and information” and “a comprehensive list of all non-earth origin or exotic [UAP] material” available to AARO for “assessment, analysis, and inspection.”
This is from an article here https://defensescoop.com/2023/06/27/senates-intelligence-authorization-bill-questions-reverse-engineering-of-government-recovered-uaps/. We will see how far that gets us.
All I’m saying is that this feels different than all of the other times people have come out on this subject. But where it goes I don’t know.