Ugly old man

Here is an old model i decide to finsh, the face and the textures was done in 3d coat, everything else in Blender.


I really like the hair. Was that done in Blender?

Very nice model, great rendering.

Great work! That’s a beautiful ugly old man. And the hair is very good, what are your lighting/material settings for it?

Very very nice ! great work man.

Thanks all :smiley: i will post a viewport screenshot showing the light setup and node composition.

here is my hair setup

Very interesting, it’s a simple material setup, but the “chromatic aberration” effect makes it much more interesting. I try to avoid using B-Spline for hair since it jitters during animation, but for stills it looks quite good! Thanks a lot for sharing!

unique style, good work.

A-MA-ZING! Great work, lovely ugly character!

Awesome, I like especially hair.

Wow this certainly looks gallery-good to me! Love the style.

Whoa dude, this is amazing.

I didn’t even know you could use sub- and epidermal maps in BI. Could you post a higher resolution of the node setup? It is kind of hard to see what’s what at the moment. Or even better, you could make a tutorial/making of how you did it :eyebrowlift:

Cheers Juan
Great results.

Great render! The skin looks really complicated; hair is brilliant too.

Take a look at Ben Simond’s post on three layer SSS.

wow… i want to do that too :stuck_out_tongue:

Great design and work. Textures and hair are great :slight_smile:

Cool model, and textures. And the render has a very painterly quality to it.

High quality all the time! Grt job again! XD

Thanks all for the comments am really happy you guys liked i like the end result :smiley:
by the way here is the node setup in a better resolution.

Man this is awesome. I really like the hair :D. Did you sculpt most of him ???