I don’t know if anyone already did it but I’m preparing a mockup in SVG of blender in order to create some tutorials. If anyone is interested or has any link/info to share about it or just would like to join, just reply here or send me a message.
can you be more clear? what is this about? why a mockup? etc…
Sorry for the very late reply but I didn’t saw the post and I thought it was unanswered. I need to write a book on CG and since I want to use blender for some of the examples I need to create very high res mockup of the blender interface. If anyone can help I will be very grateful.
Also any link to resources, existent mock-up etc. is very appreciated
if you mean mockups as in new UI ideas there’s this thread here https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?298932-Blender-UI-Mockups-and-Ideas-Requested and the interface section of this site https://rightclickselect.com/p/ui
Thanks for the link I’ve already tried to scavenge a bit that thread (while I didn’t know about the rightclickselect link). Actually I was looking at something similar to https://github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-mockups and eventually if anyone is interested I will try to make it