Ulog - another experimental, trailer-ish clip

As I’ve had more time to work on my own projects lately then I was hoping for, here’s something I managed to finish these days, another narrative sequence of shots featuring more acting, more characters, and - first time, despite all my ranting, I feel like a filthy hypocrite - AI-based voice overs. It’s all @JDaniel’s fault, his recent work has encouraged me to give it a try, finally - no point to refuse new options like this while watching my own little island melt away passively … :slight_smile:

This one has actually been fun, because overall it was - and still is - an ongoing attempt to trick something remotely resembling voice acting out of an AI that has been trained for narrative content, however definitely not for showing too much of emotional variety, and even less for talking the Anukhai native language Anughu.

Again, this served as a test & playground for many different things - beyond the obvious: doing more narrative, character-driven stuff while slowly approaching the kind of content production I’ve always had in mind, it was an exercise in pragmatism too because many of the character assets I used here were a bit older and, regarding their technical aspects, not up to scratch. They’re fairly low poly, and part of the challenge was to find out whether it would be possible to get a sufficient range of expressiveness out of their low poly facial meshes.

Most of all, all these attempts I did lately, were and are attempts to circle back to being a narrator, and get some of the things going again I’m carrying in my head for so long a time. I hope - and right now it feels like it, actually - that this clip brought me a bit closer towards that goal. It feels like I could take it from there and just carry on with the story … if only I had the budget to spend the time … :wink:

Old warrior decorating shields:

“Hey coward”

This little short also features my first ever attempts at animating kids. Orignally planned as a mere background animation, I fell in love with those two repelling a horrid attack, so they got their own little scene:

Nokha’s Love:

Wide shot: Mali and Morm on their way back to the village

The narrator’s perspective:

The short isn’t yet uploaded to YT (it takes me some hesitation to overcome each time, I’m still not super-fond of using YT), so I can’t embed right now.

You can however watch (and even download) it here: http://telayaunddiomancomic.de/ulog-ov.mp4

I’d really be interested in your opinion. Despite its compromises, does the style work? Does the narrative work? The animation, the emotional side?

As improvised and preliminary as the AI voiceovers may be (I’d rather work with human voice actors, but plainly can’t afford that right now), does the native Anukhai voiceover attempt contribute to mood & narrative, or is it more of a distraction/disturbance?

Also, particularly during its first chapters, the story arc features a relative high amount of (part) nudity, because it’s main protagonists are, on the one hand, a small group of teenage/adolescent Anukhai, a (fictional) stone-age-level tribe, and a female Salharin who found herself in the mid of a world unknown to her, without memory, cloth, or anything else. I’m trying to depict the nudity in unobtrusive ways, but for now I’ve tagged the thread “NSFW”. @mods, please let me know if I can skip that.


None of the images you’ve shared here contain what I would call problematic nudity, I’ve removed that tag for you


Fantastic, that’s exactly my view (however I’m aware it is a notoriously difficult and controversial topic) - thanks a lot J! :slight_smile:


Concept scribbles for the kids:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow, thanks Bart!

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Here are the kids in 3D (didn’t model the guy to the left (yet, don’t know)):

Regarding topology, as mentioned they’re all pretty low poly (smoothed via Subdiv). I didn’t bother too much about perfect topology, what worked … was used. Yeah, there’s even a 6-pole right at her chest … who cares, I’m the supervisor, and I approved. :wink:

Finally, something for your amusement, super ugly background crowd characters (they only show up for a second or so, and far away :wink: ).


I generated them via script driven variation of shapekeys and rig proportions, from one super low poly base mesh. Oddly, despite my attempts to apply math to force the distribution more to the extremes, those dice grew a stubborn preference to create barrel-shaped half-men, half-women figures. :smiley: Need to look into that later.
Anyway, it had was meant to be an experiment. Seen from that distance, a simple, single character model would have sufficed. :slight_smile:

Ah, btw, forgot to mention, vegetation assets were a mix of premade and custom Speedtree assets (the latter by my dear wife), and some older Grasswald plants here and there, in the meadows (for the most part, these are completely “fake”, wide hair ribbons using various noise textures for transparency and color, to achieve the illusion of complexity - a trick that works pretty well in Eevee, to cover large terrains with stuff that appears like shrubs, or distant trees.


In case someone is interested, I’ve made the customization script/blendfile available for download here: http://thalion-graphics.de/download/sample-customization.blend

it’s 2.9 stuff btw, as most of the character assets for this project are legacy 2.8/2.9, and some animation setups too. The Proxy->Override switch between 2.93 and 3.x didn’t make it easy to upgrade (my scene/shot files are heavily reliant on library linking).

The script might run under 3.x or not, will test it at some point.

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