Unable to copy animation


@blender we have downloaded inplace walking animation from Mixamo(.fbx) ---- source
We imported rigged animation(.glb) avatar ----Target

We need to replace the target animation with source animation
Initially i deleted all the existing animation of Target and Reposed it to A-Pose.
Then we tried with this link but it didnt work out.
It is not throwing any error but animations are not copied

pls suggest the sol for this…


Your base rigs are probably not the same and have naming issues…
So, Why not just upload your ,GLB to Mixamo and rig it and add the animations in one go?

BTW Miximo is based on the character being in T-Pose the first animation will work fine if you download with skin ( the GLB) but if you grab a few more animations they will fail when you try to add them to an A-Pose character as the animation will add the full movement to a character that has a position that the animation will add to but still configured to T-Pose so arms and legs will cross over to the opposite sides…

The site has T-POSE (Just do a search) as an animation file, you can add that to your character and then set the current pose as the rest pose and get it into the T-Pose, which will take care of it.

There’s an add-on called, Exspy. If you do a search on Youtube “mixamo blender exspy”, you’ll find a few tutorials on how to retarget the animations.

It is actually called Expy…

Sorry, my bad. I’ve never actually used it - I make all of my models and animations myself - but I remember seeing a video about it a while ago, thinking it might be useful one day. I just didn’t remember the correct spelling. Expy Exspy - pronounced the same.

No problem, I do use it so I was able to remember the name I just forgot to mention it as I don’t convert very often, and now since I migrated to 3.3 as my base Blender I went ahead a grabbed a copy for myself…didn’t have it installed so basically forgot about it…

I’m sure @vijay.sagi should be able to figure it out from what we have said…

Happy Blending!

Am able to figure out workaround in a easy way by using

  1. Once the Rigged mixamo walking avatar is imported into blender(.fbx) delete the complete mesh and bring the armature to ‘A-Pose’ — Source avatar
  2. Convert the Rigged animation avatar(.glb) into Obj format by exporting the avatar from Blender in .Obj format – Target avatar
  3. Import the avatar(.obj format) back into blender and align the avatar(mesh) and armature(…fbx) in same axis and is same pose( A -Pose)
  4. Manually superimpose the mesh and Armature and use “Voxel Heat Diffusing”
    i.e select the mesh and then select the armature click on “Voxel Heat Diffuse skinning” as shown in the attachment

We tried attaching mesh with Armature using “Autmatic weights” Ctrl P but it is not working for this approach

Voxel Heat diffuse plugin link
