I was told that after choose rotate or move, we can press x,y or z in the keyboard to rotate or move along those axis. It does not work for me. When I press x it prompts a " Delete " dialog. Nothing happens when I press y or z as well.
Another option was to choose shift + x+ y will allow to rotate along XY plane. That is not working for me either. Any help will be great.
How do you mean “choosing”? If you are using the tool shelf (T panel on left), I do not think this applies. For the tool shelf, use the gizmo to drag along an axis.
To rotate an object around the global z-axis, for instance, select the object and press R then Z then move mouse then Left Click (or instead of mouse, type in a value (e.g., 90) then hit enter).
Thanks. It works when I use " R " instead of choosing from the Tool Panel on the left. I am still in trouble based on the point of rotation. It rotates at some point far from the center of the object I am rotating. Please see the image below
to move on the X axis you first need to press G (move) then X.
If the rotation center is not the right one it can be that the origin of your object is not at the center of its geometry (Object > Set Origin) or you have not chosen the right Pivot Point mode.