Underwater scene extension

I’m working on a project with a pretty tight deadline and need some help with one shot.
I have a shot of a woman underwater, shot in a pool, and i need the scene extended, looking like its in een open ocean.
Shot is 10sec long and the subject stays relatively close to the surface.
The second screenshot is how i envision it (minus the weird content aware stuff)
So its more a VFX shot/work than a 3D environment or something, but I figured there’s probably someone here who can fix this.

The shot:



I think you need to be more specific on the requirements of this particular shot. If the subject isn’t that deep in water, like relatively near the water surface as in the sshot you shared it’s one thing. If she’s deeper like mid-depth it’s another and of course, if she’s about to touch down on the sea floor where it’s definitely supposed to be darker where the god rays are no longer visible; that would require a different treatment…


Thnx for the reply!
i’ve added a 2nd screenshot of the general idea

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does this mean you want to keep those bubbles on top that are hinting to how deep she is?

Yes, unless its easier to recreate.

This project has been completed, but i cant find the option to mark it as solved.
no more replies needed!