Underwater scene with EEVEE

A lot of strange things can happen deep underwater :slight_smile:

Image made for #blender52 yearly challenge.
It’s modeled, sculpted in Blender, textured in Substance and rendered, or better said framed/toyed around in EEVEE.

By the way is EEVEE officially written with capital letters?


I can’t say there’s a high scare factor with a briefcase being the item surrounded by the angler fish, but this is a really good example of how Eevee truly is the engine BI wished it could be.

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It’s written as “Eevee” across blender.org, so no, not officially.

But the name is an acronym for “Extra Easy Virtual Environment Engine”, so some still capitalize the letters. Which is fine… just don’t let me catch anyone putting periods in there. (E.E.V.E.E. - so ugly!) :unamused:

Thank you I have seen it written in different ways… will try to use ucfirst() :slight_smile:

I was more aiming for a strange factor than fear factor…
but what if the scene was inverted: An anglerfish surrounded by suitcases… maybe even stranger :slight_smile:

Anyway I remade this image in a matter of 10 minutes, with instant feedback so it’s amazing, fast, and really brings back the fun to 3D :smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

I like the second version… scale and composition are better, and it does have a stranger vibe. As for fear factor, maybe this ugly little guy is about to meet the Titanic on her way down to the seafloor? Pretty scary for him, methinks.

Nice job!

Amazing work and i love the lighting and the detail on the fish!

In the last image, i think you should open the suitcases a bit, and add something that vaguely looks like teeth inside… bent pieces of paper, something like that. So it’s painfully obvious the want to eat the poor fish…And maybe twist/pose the fish a bit so it looks scared…

But yeah, the ability to do such things so quickly and efficiently is awesome. And it’s painful to go back to working ‘the old way’ with Arnold :frowning: