I am following along with the tutorial in the following link: http://youtu.be/i62Hr81i154?t=36m. The link starts the video at the time pertinent to my problem.
When I add the displacement modifier and attempt to match the tutorial’s settings, my results differ.
I tried to adjust all the settings to see if the results would start to match those of the tutorial but doing so did not help. The surface on my snowman’s head looks polished after adding the displacement modifier, but the “snow” should look somewhat lumpy and tufted like that shown in the tutorial.
You didn’t include an example .blend so have to guess.
Both of you are using an old version of Blender, but yours is new enough to use different defaults in the texture. Find the displacement texture settings and change it to clouds texture type. Could also be that the object has unapplied scale which would affect to the visible results. Ctrl+A -> scale to apply.