Unhappy Banana

Hello! Here is my latest project based on
the concept art of the great artstation artist Lynn Chen.

Made to test the new Blender eevee engine,
And study the potential of this engine.
I hope you like :smiley:

project : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8KVDq
concept : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kkaN2

eevee render :

UPDATE sketchfab

eevee turntable


eevee viewport


Love the concept. Banana eating a banana.

Outside of the overall greatness, the only nitpick would be the big banana’s skin. feels too thick.

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Made me smile. ) Great one!


Outside of the skin thickness, you can ensure that the thickness itself is not using the outer material but the inner one. Would give this even more coonless. Though even without it liek nikvili said, definitely made me smile.

now why would a banana bee eating a banana ?

nice work, i like the expression on it,s face, its more like if it,s saying
'common get over with it ’

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You’re #featured! :tada:

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very well done … now animate it :slight_smile:

Hahahaha, great one! Congrats

Great materials!

I thought animate it but unfortunately I don’t have much time to do it :relieved: btw thank you all for your support :wink:

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This is so cute and awesome! Lovely expression.

Can I use this as a wallpaper? No problem if I cannot.

b- bu…but… Cannibalism! :scream: /s


Cute. :–)

love it !!

This is great! :slight_smile:

pfff I hate bananas. I hate you. Give me your skills now !


Yeah, a banana would be eating ice cream. To make a banana split. Or spraying whipped cream right in his mouth from the can.

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Love it! je

Amazing! :heart_eyes: Post the clay mesh with wireframe, please!